Natural Remedies

Britons turn to natural remedies in the face of a pandemic

Since the pandemic started, health concerns have come to the forefront of everyone’s mind globally. A survey conducted by the team at Holistic Room has revealed 67% of respondents turned to natural therapies to help boost their immune system this year. Clearly, what healthcare means to us has undergone a radical transformation as a result of Covid-19.

With the increased use of natural therapies reported over the past few months and with a big shift in behaviour around health moving forward, we believe that the growth of complementary and alternative therapies will continue, potentially at a more rapid pace than before and find a firm place in a new emerging healthcare model.

Mark G. Lester, Director of The Finchley Clinic said “This year has been the first time in my 20 year career working in the natural health industry where a significant number of people have been willing to invest in their health when they didn’t already have an illness for which they were looking for a solution. This year, because of ‘the virus’ many people have become proactive rather than just reactive when they were already in trouble.” The increased use of natural remedies being used to boost the immune system suggests that there is a real focus on prevention as people take measures to reduce the likelihood of contracting the virus in the first place.

According to Accenture, one of the leading management and technology consultancy firms in the UK, our health concerns will continue to dominate lives and will bear witness to a huge behavioural shift sparked by fear. They predict that individual and government health spending will rise permanently as a result.

Holistic Room’s survey further evidences this as 60% of respondents reported to be ‘very’ or ‘extremely’ concerned about their health since the pandemic started, compared to just 17% prior to the pandemic. As a result, more people are starting to take responsibility for their own health, instead of just relying on conventional healthcare providers.

We at Holistic Room believe it is vital to listen to what people want and need and will continue to support the services of qualified and experienced natural health practitioners across the UK who are working tirelessly during the pandemic. We also encourage anyone looking for holistic health support to reach out to us, our team of holistic health practitioners will be happy to advise wherever we can.


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