• Vagus Nerve

    Vagus Nerve Exercises for Quick Stress Relief

    You don’t need to meditate for hours every day for months on end to experience stress and anxiety relief. The vagus nerve could hold the potential to turn a body in a “fight or flight” mode or chronic stress to one of ease and calm quicker and easier than you think.   The Complex Vagus Nerve The vagus nerve, also known as the tenth cranial nerve, is the longest and one of the major nerves in the human body. It is a paired nerve, meaning that there is one on each side of the body, and it extends from the brainstem to various organs in the chest and abdomen, so…

  • Dandelion Hay Fever

    Natural Health Remedies for Hay Fever Season

    For those of us living in the Northern Hemisphere, hay fever season is fast approaching, and for some has already arrived. If you suffer with allergies in the summer months, you may well dread the onset of the tiresome symptoms that come along with hay fever. Natural remedies can help with easing symptoms as well as being gentle on the body. If you want to delve into natural remedies that may help with seasonal allergies, then this blog post if for you! ⁠ Herbs and Supplements Here are some herbs and supplements to consider if you are suffering with hay fever.⁠ ⁠ 1. Quercetin is a natural plant compound with…

  • Mushrooms growing outdoors

    Mushrooms – The Superfood you Didn’t Know you Needed

    Mushrooms and the world of fungi can be an overlooked area when it comes to wanting to add healthy and nutritious food into our diet. Yet they are packed full of goodness and are extremely versatile to cook with. It doesn’t take too much imagination to find ways of adding these little toadstools into your diet.   What’s the scoop with mushrooms? First off, mushrooms are a highly nutrient dense food that are also low in calories, double win! They are also an excellent source of protein, fibre, vitamins such as vitamin D and B vitamins, and minerals such as selenium and potassium. In addition to their impressive nutrient profile,…

  • Man sitting outside practising breathwork

    The Power of Breathwork

    There are many different types of breathwork for healing, and we’ll be discussing the most popular ones in this blog post. The main benefits of breathwork are healing trauma that has become stuck in the body and which has manifested in both emotional and physical conditions. Breathwork helps by putting the brakes on the stress response and switching to an optimal state that allows for health, healing and rejuvenation. We spend a lot of our time in either low grade on-going stress or more acute stressful periods which throw our nervous system out of whack and cause a wide array of problems. Stress can be a cause or contributor to…

  • Fire inflammation

    Dangers of Inflammation

    Inflammation is the body’s natural health response to injury or infection. It is a defence mechanism that triggers your immune system to begin the healing process. When the inflammation response is working properly, your body heals, and the inflammation stops. This is known as acute inflammation; the injury and infection heal after a short amount of time, rarely more than a few weeks. If the immune system fails to fix the initial problem, it causes an on-going immune system reaction where the body continues sending out inflammatory cells and substances, even though there is no injury or infection. In addition to injury and infection, chronic inflammation can also be caused…

  • Fruits and fruit juices for detox

    The Confusing World of Detoxing

    Detox, detox, detox! It seems every time January comes along, everyone’s talking about the best detox diets, supplements and programs that we all must be doing if we want to be fitter, healthier and leaner. It’s confusing and overwhelming to know where to begin and if they will even do what they claim. The first thing to bear in mind is that we are all different and unique, what might work well for one person may not have the same desired results for another. If you don’t enjoy or get on well with raw food, don’t consider doing a raw food cleanse because you think it’s good for you. There…

  • Woman touching stomach

    Bespoke Gut Healing Through the Microbiome

    We are all about matching holistic health services with the specific needs of each client here at Holistic Room. If two people are suffering with the same symptoms or condition, it doesn’t necessarily mean that the same treatment will help them both. We are all unique, our bodies needs are unique so the path to healing will invariably be unique to each person. We believe in finding the right protocol or practitioner who can support your specific needs to health and vitality. However, research is showing us time and time again that paying attention to a specific system in the body, can yield positive results for many people suffering from…

  • Woman jumping success

    Reset and Redirect your Mindset for Success

    Human beings are hardwired from the days of our ancestors on the Savannah Plain some 200,000 years ago. The fight or flight instinct was instilled in us when we had to fight or flee for our life when threatened by predators. Although we live in a very different reality today, we do so with the ingrained mentality of the Stone Age hunter-gatherers. Evolutionary psychology allows us to understand why people act as they do in certain settings and in everyday life. It also helps us to find other ways to adapt to our current reality. In short, to not activate the fight or flight response when we get stuck in…

  • Tired woman

    TATT: Tired all the Time

    Feeling tired all the time seems to have become a common modern-day complaint, so much so that it even has its own acronym, TATT (tired all the time). We all feel tired now and again when we go through a stressful period or are not getting enough rest. This type of fatigue is temporary, has an identifiable cause and can usually be resolved with some self-care, rest or change in diet or lifestyle and is very different from feeling TATT, which is constant and often felt for prolonged periods of time. Feeling TATT can significantly reduce motivation and concentration and impact an individual’s emotional and psychological wellbeing. Feeling TATT can…

  • Ashwagandha root adaptogenic herb

    How Adaptogens Can Help with Stress

    Adaptogens are plant substances that strengthen the body’s ability to deal with stressors and maintain balance. There are two main types of adaptogen’s, firstly the type that help support the effects of physical stressors on the body, such as helping to support a healthy inflammation response, muscle strength and recovery and cardiovascular and immune function. But also, those that are used to specifically target mental health and symptoms such as stress and anxiety.   History of adaptogens Adaptogenic herbs have been used in Ayurvedic and Traditional Chinese Medicine for centuries and are readily available today as a single substance, or as a formulation of multiple adaptogens which may offer greater…