• dandelion-seeds-hay-fever

    Natural Health Remedies for Hay Fever Season

    For those of us living in the Northern Hemisphere, hay fever season is fast approaching, and for some has already arrived. If you suffer with allergies in the summer months, you may well dread the onset of the tiresome symptoms that come along with hay fever. Natural remedies can help with easing symptoms as well as being gentle on the body. If you want to delve into natural remedies that may help with seasonal allergies, then this blog post if for you! ⁠ Herbs and Supplements Here are some herbs and supplements to consider if you are suffering with hay fever.⁠ ⁠ 1. Quercetin is a natural plant compound with…

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  • Sleeping - tired

    TATT: Tired all the Time

    Feeling tired all the time seems to have become a common modern-day complaint, so much so that it even has its own acronym, TATT (tired all the time). We all feel tired now and again when we go through a stressful period or are not getting enough rest. This type of fatigue is temporary, has an identifiable cause and can usually be resolved with some self-care, rest or change in diet or lifestyle and is very different from feeling TATT, which is constant and often felt for prolonged periods of time. Feeling TATT can significantly reduce motivation and concentration and impact an individual’s emotional and psychological wellbeing. Feeling TATT can…

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  • Woman sneezing

    Natural Remedies for Hay Fever Sufferers

    It’s that time of year again when many of us suffer with dreaded hay fever. Symptoms range from sneezing and coughing, a runny or blocked nose, itchy, red or watery eyes through to headaches leaving us feeling tired and searching for solutions.   Diet and Nutrition   If you don’t like the idea of popping pills to treat your symptoms, there are many natural options you can try. One option is to take a nutritional approach by changing your diet and incorporating more “low-histamine” foods to help ease symptoms. There is also a myriad of supplements that can address the symptoms such as vitamin c, which is a known natural…

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