• Liver Detox

    Detoxing Your Liver

    With the festive season now a distant memory, thoughts might well refocus on new goals and intentions for the year. If like many, you overindulged over the Christmas break and are feeling the effects as you begin 2024, it might benefit you to give your liver some love. Every organ and system in the body is hard-working and vital, but did you know that your liver is responsible for over 500 vital functions in the body? All of which happen without our input or conscious knowledge. So perhaps we can start the new year off by showing this mighty organ some appreciation. Your liver plays a role in blood clotting,…

  • Fibre rich fruit and seed bowl

    What’s all the Fuss About Fibre?

    Fibre is an essential nutrient for our bodies. You may have heard about it in the context of keeping your bowels regular and your digestive system healthy, but it is an important part of our diet for other reasons too. It’s a type of carbohydrate found in plants, fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds and grains. Fibre is the part of the plant that we can’t digest. It’s the stuff that helps us digest other foods. There are two types of fibre, soluble and insoluble, both types are important for our health. The World Health Organisation recommends that adults should eat at least 25 grams of fibre per day. Unfortunately, the average…

  • Apple Sauce

    Heal Your Gut with Apple Sauce!

    When you think of apple sauce, you might think of desserts first, but did you know that apple sauce is actually very good for your gut? Stewing apples releases pectin, which is a type of soluble fiber in the cell walls of plants and helps give them their structure. Pectin increases a substance in our gut called Intestinal Alkaline Phosphatase (IAP) which protects our body by preventing the Lipopolysaccharides (LPS) which are toxic bacteria from getting into the blood stream. IAP grabs LPS and escorts it out of the body through the bowel movements. IAP also stimulates the genes to heal intestinal permeability, so if you have any issues with…

  • World Heart Day 2020

    Prevention is always better than needing treatment. Tips to help keep your heart healthy include: Maintain a healthy weight – Obesity can increase your risk for heart disease as it is linked to risk factors such as high blood pressure, high blood cholesterol and triglyceride levels and diabetes. Controlling your weight can lower these risks. Control your blood pressure – High blood pressure is a major risk factor for heart disease. Lifestyle changes including diet and exercise can prevent or control high blood pressure. Control your cholesterol and triglyceride levels – High levels of cholesterol can clog your arteries and raise your risk of coronary artery disease and heart attack.…