• Apple Sauce

    Heal Your Gut with Apple Sauce!

    When you think of apple sauce, you might think of desserts first, but did you know that apple sauce is actually very good for your gut? Stewing apples releases pectin, which is a type of soluble fiber in the cell walls of plants and helps give them their structure. Pectin increases a substance in our gut called Intestinal Alkaline Phosphatase (IAP) which protects our body by preventing the Lipopolysaccharides (LPS) which are toxic bacteria from getting into the blood stream. IAP grabs LPS and escorts it out of the body through the bowel movements. IAP also stimulates the genes to heal intestinal permeability, so if you have any issues with…

  • Stomach discomfort

    You Are What Your Gut Absorbs

    Good health starts in the gut. We now know that about 70% of the immune system resides in the gut. So, to improve our whole health, we must pay attention to our gut and more importantly the little critters called the microbiome that live there. The microbiome consists of trillions of friendly gut bacteria in our digestive tract which not only ward off bad bacteria and viruses, but also effect every part of the body including your hormones, mood, and sleep. If your gut is impaired, you will not be able to digest food easily and more importantly, you will not be able to extract the nutrients from the food…