• How Does Gut Health Affect Us?

    How Does Gut Health Affect Us?

    We’re always harping on about gut health here at Holistic Room because it affects pretty much every part of us. It affects how we feel, how we deal with stress, how we utilise nutrients, how well we sleep, the strength of our immune system, the health of our skin, the speed of our metabolism and so much more. In fact, there’s probably very little that the gut microbiome isn’t involved in. Our brain and body cannot exist without constant signals coming from the microbes in our gut. It’s a bustling, complex community that holds the key to both good and poor health. How many critters do we have? The exact…

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  • Woman sitting by water

    Don’t Let Fear Run Your Life

    Fear has the power to control our life, our business, our relationships and our decision making. To conquer our fears one by one, we need to first develop an awareness of the life we have created for ourselves because of them. Try the following exercise to shine a light on how fear is stopping you from creating the life you dream of and start taking steps towards your desires with confidence.   List it out Take a piece of paper and divide it into three columns. In the first column, write out all your desires as if you had a magic wand and nothing was impossible. In the second column,…

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  • Woman meditating in the outdoors

    Nobody has time for meditation right now

    Many of us wish for more time, often 24 hours in a day is just not enough! Post COVID-19 has intensified this for many who now have to somehow fit home schooling into an already gruelling schedule. With everything going on, who has the time to meditate right? But what if a daily meditation practice can actually create the illusion of more time. Meditation helps to calm the racing thoughts of the never ending to do list and normal complexities of life. After meditation we tend to automatically be much more efficient for the rest of the day. When we are busy on the inside, we tend to be busy…

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  • You Deserve Better is hosting a Monthly Free Online Healing Call with Sharon Lawson

      One of the most common thing my clients say to me is, “I’m so glad that I finally have someone I can talk to about this kinda stuff.” It’s not easy when we have an interest, curiosity, latent talents, a calling to make transformative change – but you don’t know anyone in your immediate circle of friends, family , community or colleagues who has the same interest, curiosity or calling. You can feel alone. You have a strong urge to follow your intuition, try a new path or ask new questions, but you don’t know anyone who has trodden the same path as you, you don’t have anyone who…

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  • Practitioner Spotlight – Vanya Maksimova @Plant Powered Kitchen – Nutritional Therapy – London

    What therapies do you practice? Nutritional Therapy   What led you to do what you do? My success in healing my own body and I’ve always been passionate about helping people.   What’s the best thing about doing the work you do? Seeing the progress in my clients journey. It’s very rewarding.     To find out more about Vanya and how she can help you, visit her listing and contact her here.   Are you ready for greater health and wellbeing? Search Holistic Room for qualified holistic health practitioners for your unique needs, or email us at support@holisticroom.com and we’ll get back to you promptly.

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  • Practitioner Spotlight – Siobhan Mchenry @Healthfullives – Integrative Nutrition | Health Coach | Functional Medicine | Brighton & Online

    What therapies do you practice? Integrative Nutrition Health Coach Functional Medicine   What led you to do what you do? My family and own health concerns after 25yrs working in Corporate and loosing friends and family to lifestyle related disease far too early.   What’s the best thing about doing the work you do? Helping people regain connection with what it feels like to be healthy – not just food or exercise but also through the important understanding of the intricate facets of our life that effect our health i.e stress, sleep, relationships, finances, environment etc.     To find out more about Siobhan and how she can help you…

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