• Fibre rich fruit and seed bowl

    What’s all the Fuss About Fibre?

    Fibre is an essential nutrient for our bodies. You may have heard about it in the context of keeping your bowels regular and your digestive system healthy, but it is an important part of our diet for other reasons too. It’s a type of carbohydrate found in plants, fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds and grains. Fibre is the part of the plant that we can’t digest. It’s the stuff that helps us digest other foods. There are two types of fibre, soluble and insoluble, both types are important for our health. The World Health Organisation recommends that adults should eat at least 25 grams of fibre per day. Unfortunately, the average…

  • Curcumin

    Curcumin and all its Benefits

    Curcumin has been in the spotlight the past few years, and for good reason. It is beneficial for a host of conditions and symptoms. Today we look at this spice in more detail and share all the wonderful benefits you may receive from this healing supplement, which have been backed by many high-quality studies. What is curcumin Curcumin is the main active ingredient in the spice turmeric which is an important component in Indian cooking. It is used in India as both a spice and a medicinal herb. Recent studies have started to back up claims of the benefits and shed more light on its medicinal properties. It would be…