• Liver Detox

    Detoxing Your Liver

    With the festive season now a distant memory, thoughts might well refocus on new goals and intentions for the year. If like many, you overindulged over the Christmas break and are feeling the effects as you begin 2024, it might benefit you to give your liver some love. Every organ and system in the body is hard-working and vital, but did you know that your liver is responsible for over 500 vital functions in the body? All of which happen without our input or conscious knowledge. So perhaps we can start the new year off by showing this mighty organ some appreciation. Your liver plays a role in blood clotting,…

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  • dandelion-seeds-hay-fever

    Natural Health Remedies for Hay Fever Season

    For those of us living in the Northern Hemisphere, hay fever season is fast approaching, and for some has already arrived. If you suffer with allergies in the summer months, you may well dread the onset of the tiresome symptoms that come along with hay fever. Natural remedies can help with easing symptoms as well as being gentle on the body. If you want to delve into natural remedies that may help with seasonal allergies, then this blog post if for you! ⁠ Herbs and Supplements Here are some herbs and supplements to consider if you are suffering with hay fever.⁠ ⁠ 1. Quercetin is a natural plant compound with…

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  • detox juices

    The Confusing World of Detoxing

    Detox, detox, detox! It seems every time January comes along, everyone’s talking about the best detox diets, supplements and programs that we all must be doing if we want to be fitter, healthier and leaner. It’s confusing and overwhelming to know where to begin and if they will even do what they claim. The first thing to bear in mind is that we are all different and unique, what might work well for one person may not have the same desired results for another. If you don’t enjoy or get on well with raw food, don’t consider doing a raw food cleanse because you think it’s good for you. There…

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  • Tired

    Why am I Always so Tired?

    Why am I always tired? Do you ask yourself this question? If so, how often do you ask it? It’s a difficult one when it comes to health and wellbeing, because you could be feeling tired because you are going through a super busy or stressful period and are not managing to get as much rest as your body needs to recover. It could also be a sign of something else that requires attention. If that is your gut feeling, then it should be explored with your GP. If after testing, the GP rules that there is “nothing wrong with you”, but you are still feeling tired, continue reading as…

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