• Woman touching stomach

    Bespoke Gut Healing Through the Microbiome

    We are all about matching holistic health services with the specific needs of each client here at Holistic Room. If two people are suffering with the same symptoms or condition, it doesn’t necessarily mean that the same treatment will help them both. We are all unique, our bodies needs are unique so the path to healing will invariably be unique to each person. We believe in finding the right protocol or practitioner who can support your specific needs to health and vitality. However, research is showing us time and time again that paying attention to a specific system in the body, can yield positive results for many people suffering from…

  • Woman tired

    Why am I Always so Tired?

    Why am I always tired? Do you ask yourself this question? If so, how often do you ask it? It’s a difficult one when it comes to health and wellbeing, because you could be feeling tired because you are going through a super busy or stressful period and are not managing to get as much rest as your body needs to recover. It could also be a sign of something else that requires attention. If that is your gut feeling, then it should be explored with your GP. If after testing, the GP rules that there is “nothing wrong with you”, but you are still feeling tired, continue reading as…

  • Stomach discomfort

    You Are What Your Gut Absorbs

    Good health starts in the gut. We now know that about 70% of the immune system resides in the gut. So, to improve our whole health, we must pay attention to our gut and more importantly the little critters called the microbiome that live there. The microbiome consists of trillions of friendly gut bacteria in our digestive tract which not only ward off bad bacteria and viruses, but also effect every part of the body including your hormones, mood, and sleep. If your gut is impaired, you will not be able to digest food easily and more importantly, you will not be able to extract the nutrients from the food…

  • Fermented Vegetables: Boost your Immune System with this Probiotic Rich Recipe

    There has been quite a bit of information circulating recently about how the majority of the immune system is in the gut, so feeding the gut with good bacteria can help boost the immune system. The quantity and diversity of friendly bacteria can be increased a number of ways, one of which is by taking probiotic supplements. There is however an easier and cheaper way to get your fix, and you could well have all the ingredients already in your fridge and cupboards. You can whip up your own batch of fermented vegetables! Fermented vegetables undergo controlled microbial growth and fermentation. Fermentation is an anaerobic process in which yeast and…