• Self-Care

    Creating a Daily Self-Care Ritual: Mind, Body, and Spirit

    When life gets busy, we may find ourselves in automatic mode where we do what we need to do without thinking about it, because well, it just needs to get it done. A bit like a robot. There is nothing wrong with this and it can sometimes be necessary to get through the never-ending to-do list. But it can be harmful when it isn’t balanced with awareness, self-care and spending at least a little time in stillness. Creating a daily self-care routine can be helpful for maintaining balance in our mind, body, and spirit. A good self-care routine doesn’t have to be complicated or time-consuming, it’s all about finding small,…

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  • Woman jumping success

    Reset and Redirect your Mindset for Success

    Human beings are hardwired from the days of our ancestors on the Savannah Plain some 200,000 years ago. The fight or flight instinct was instilled in us when we had to fight or flee for our life when threatened by predators. Although we live in a very different reality today, we do so with the ingrained mentality of the Stone Age hunter-gatherers. Evolutionary psychology allows us to understand why people act as they do in certain settings and in everyday life. It also helps us to find other ways to adapt to our current reality. In short, to not activate the fight or flight response when we get stuck in…

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  • Burnout or balance?

    Preventing Mental Burnout

    Do you ever feel like there just aren’t enough hours in the day? Your to do list grows by the day and you rarely seem to be able to check everything off to give you a clean slate? You are being pulled in 10 different directions at the same time and you feel exhausted by the evening, or before the evening even hits? Life can get hectic at times and it’s all too easy to get swept up with the pace of things and completely forget to take care of your personal needs. But when things start getting too much and overwhelm sets in, when you can’t remember the last time…

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