Alessio is a holistic chartered physiotherapist, with over 2 decades spent studying and working with the human body, specialised in finding specific solutions for any type of Chronic pain. He also has an extensive background in Personal Training, Physical Education, Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) and Sport Science.
He is the first and only physiotherapy practitioner in UK qualified in Advanced Myofascial Induction Therapy (MIT®).
Alessio helps individuals to understand the primary cause behind their condition, which allows him to create a tailored approach to help them alleviate pain and create a path towards a definitive better well-being.
Alessio’s unique 5 Boxes Chronic Pain Resolution Formula will surprise you revealing where the root problem is hiding.
His particular hands on body scan integrates advanced physiotherapy and myofascial bodywork with Applied Kinesiology, Cranio-sacral therapy and Chinese/Indian Acupressure.
You will finally discover the possible connections between your physical problem, a muscular or visceral restrictions, with an energy imbalance and some deep emotional blockages.
Your treatment will combine he best Evidence Based Physiotherapy with the traditional eastern medicine to achieve the best results where anything else failed before.
The 5 Boxes Pain Resolution Formula is the ultimate solution for your condition like:
Chronic pain and poor posture.
Acute Pain and injuries.
Visceral pain (period pain, irregular periods, infertility, kidney/gallbladder stones, gastric reflux and hiatal hernia, IBS, constipation, urinary/intestinal infections, colitis, etc.).
Irregular or asymmetrical Cranio-sacral rhythm.
Loss of balance, dizziness, Vertigo and Vestibular conditions.
Energy imbalance (energy centres congestion, chronic tiredness, body weakness, stress, low energy, emotional blockages).
§ Myofascial and Visceral Induction Therapy (MIT®)
§ Acupuncture
§ Chronic Pain Body&Mind solutions
§ Postural analysis, Whiplash and TMJ
§ Cranio-sacral therapy and Applied Kinesiology
§ Chakra Energy System (CES) and auric healing
§ Traditional Chinese and Ayurvedic acupressure
§ Vestibular rehab and balance training
§ Clinical Pilates and Yoga Healing
§ Cognitive Behavioural training (CBT)
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