Naturopathic Nutritional Therapist
Working 1:1 with clients and families who wish to improve their wellbeing via dietary and lifestyle changes. We will meet via video call on a 4-6 weekly basis with optional telephone check-ins in between.
An educational approach: Always explaining the rationale behind advice given so that clients can be empowered with and motivated by knowledge. "Body Science Works" has a two-fold meaning - exploring and understanding how the science of the body works AND also using what we know to make our body science work towards our optimal health and wellbeing.
A long-term vision: Identifying what is needed to cultivate and sustain good health for years to come. There are no crash diets or strict meal plans, using your existing diet as a base to build from we will create healthy and realistic adaptations that are suited to your tastes. Healthy eating gets to be fun, delicious and enjoyable!
An individualised approach: We live in a meme culture where one-size-fits-all cures and remedies are often promoted on social media. At Body Science Works we will work with your individual needs and constitution to find a plan that is right for you.
Naturopathy, a holistic concept: Aside from your diet, a wide range of other advice will be provided. This could be anything from anti-inflammatory hydrotherapies or breath work you can do for free at home to referrals for clinical testing, recommendations for other therapies such as massage, or advice around sleep hygiene and more.
Additional skills: I am also in the process of studying to become a licensed Herbal Medicine Practitioner in 2022. At the moment I enjoy bringing gentle nourishing and health-boosting herbs into my nutrition practice where appropriate, in the form of herbal teas or dietary additions. I am also an Organic Skincare Formulator with a range of non-toxic skincare products which can be recommended to clients with skin complaints or simply to those who wish to change their skincare routine to non-toxic products.
Email to book a free introductory phone call today and find out why this is the service for you and to discuss any questions you may have.
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