My practice is a combination of Western Herbal medicine, Iridology, Naturopathy and Ayurveda.
In the first consultation I will take your medical history, go through your current medical issues, look at your body systems, family history, your diet, and current medications. I use clinical observation, where I take your pulse, inspect your tongue, examine your eyes and look at your skin health.
I will analyse your case using both biomedical information and energetic modalities to give you suggestions of herbal formula, diet recommendations and naturopathic techniques. I will advise you on any lifestyle changes that need working on and will encourage and coach you with these.
Usually in the first consultation I suggest you do my Detox Kit regime, this includes and detox tea, digestive bitters tincture and intestinal cleanse capsules. In the second session I will usually make you up a personalised herbal tincture, or herbal powder, this will have a more specific physiological action on your health issue. These treatments will usually take a few months to show improvements or a bit longer depending on the severity of your condition.
I offer an Iridology report service, where I use an iris scope to photograph each iris, then interpret the data and write a report for your individual case. This usually takes 3 weeks.
WESTERN HERBAL MEDICINES: are prescribed according to their category and action. They are given in the form of teas, powders, tinctures or creams, these will support the specific organ, tissue or body system, to repair and function properly. If the health issue is acute or chronic, herbal medicines will often have something to offer.
IRIDOLOGY: is the study of information from the eyes for diagnostic and treatment purposes. It looks at 4 main factors: constitution, disposition, diathesis and specific signs at reflex points in the iris. It works well with herbal medicine and a valuable tool for very specific healing modalities.
NATUROPATHY: is a broad term for many natural healing methods, that promote the body to heal its self, using natural methods. Some of the naturopathic therapies I use are: skin brushing, Bach flowers, hydrotherapy, juicing, superfood powders, castor oil packs and self oil massage.
AYURVEDA: is the divine "Science of life", from India, an ancient form healthcare that has a naturopathic philosophy, with texts books dating back 2000 years ago. Ayurveda is full of beneficial medical methods and treatment protocols for the benefit of mankind. Primarily it uses an element system of the body to treat and diagnose, these are kapha, pitta and vata, corresponding to earth/water, water/fire and air/ether, respectively. Ayurveda emphasises good health with proper digestion and believes all disease starts and end in the stomach.
If you would like to go ahead and have a consultation, please contact me via email, text or phone, to arrange a time and date, that suits you. Thank you!
-Member of: Association of Master Herbalists and the General Naturopathic Council
-Professional Liability insurance with: Balens Ltd
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