The Abuse Hold Process is a potent transformational energetic hands on technique that when run assists both the Body and the Being of releasing all cellular memories, patterns and programs of abuse that the body is holding onto or has locked in, allowing everything to change.
Before receiving the abuse hold your Body and Being requires to clear the conscious elements of the limitations, judgements and fixed points of view which are keeping you stuck. By listening to the Original Abuse CD's at least 30 times to prepare the body for the abuse hold.
This is designed this way to transform your life in living without abuse, to take back your self power in life.Assisting in changing all areas of your life where your have given your power away to others, whether it’s having no freedom, emotional,mental ,spiritual, sexual and physical abuse. And where your abusing yourself by self sabotaging patterns, money , body and relationships just to name a few...
The Abuse Hold MP3 is by the founder Gary Douglas available from Access Consciousness shop.
To purchase the abuse MP3 - here is the link
To prepare the body for the abuse hold. This can be listened or on silent as it’s the energy your Body and Being will absorb. So sleeping with it on silent works wonders too!!
If you require any verbal facilitation or Body process to assist you on your journey. I am available to support you through the process.
Abuse hold with facilitation 2hrs-£180
Are you ready to take a leap of faith and live a life with no effect from abuse?
Is Now the time for your Body And Being Enjoy Again ?
With Ease Joy And Glory!