• Baby Reflex Feet

    What is Baby Reflex?

    Reflexology is not just for adults! Babies and toddlers can benefit from reflexology too. For younger children, it may help with issues concerning feeding and digestion, calming, sleeping or teething. It also offers a way for parents and grandparents to help babies and toddlers naturally by giving them the tools to do so. Susie Ray is a reflexologist who runs Baby Reflex workshops, so you can learn how to administer reflexology on your little ones at home. The workshops run for 4 weeks and cover feeding and digestion, sleeping and comforting and wellbeing. The last week is self care for mums or dads and to give time if anyone wants…

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  • Practitioner Spotlight – Susie Ray – Reflexology | Indian Head Massage, Bath & Frome, Somerset

    What therapies do you practice? Reflexology Indian Head Massage   What led you to do what you do? After trying many unfulfilling roles I took a break and was prompted to look into alternatives. Reflexology really resonated with me and having grown up with hormone issues and experienced subsequent fertility issues, it seems natural that this is the area I was drawn to and work the most in. I’ve studied many forms over the years and use a combination of techniques depending on the individual and their ailments. My specialisms are fertility, pregnancy, postnatal care and women’s health.   What’s the best thing about doing the work you do? I love…

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