• gut love

    Bespoke Gut Healing Through the Microbiome

    We are all about matching holistic health services with the specific needs of each client here at Holistic Room. If two people are suffering with the same symptoms or condition, it doesn’t necessarily mean that the same treatment will help them both. We are all unique, our bodies needs are unique so the path to healing will invariably be unique to each person. We believe in finding the right protocol or practitioner who can support your specific needs to health and vitality. However, research is showing us time and time again that paying attention to a specific system in the body, can yield positive results for many people suffering from…

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  • Microbiome Healthy foods

    How To Improve Your Gut Health – It’s all in the Microbiome

    If you’re still feeling a little bloated from the festive season, there is much you can do to start feeling more ease in the abdominal region. In short, you want to increase the friendly gut microbiome as it impacts every system in your body, from your skin to your immune health and even your mental health. So, if you’re feeling sluggish and not your best self, then it could well be that the bad bacteria are currently winning the battle. But don’t despair, as it’s fairly simple for the good bacteria to take hold and win the war. Research shows that with dietary and lifestyle changes, you can start changing…

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  • Knowledge is Power Against COVID-19

    Yesterday on This Morning, TV doctor Dr Chris revealed his simple three step plan to help boost your immune system amid the COVID-19 crisis. His advice is based on increasing the gut’s friendly bacteria count since 70% of the body’s immune system is in the gut. The steps include eating yoghurt, then increase the population of the friendly bacteria by feeding them with probiotic rich foods such as beans and bananas. His third step is to take vitamin D which many people in the UK are deficient in and which plays a key role in boosting the immune system. This is great information to share as it arms the public…

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