Information about Holistic Room

How it works


User profiles and practitioner profiles are important because they build trust within the community. The more complete your profile is, the easier it is to create transparency and allow users to make easier and more informed decisions on whether you are the right practitioner for them. User profiles are important too, users can follow practitioners, engage with them and ask them questions, keep track of their bookings and review their treatments once completed, all contributing towards an enriched and informed community. 


If you are looking to find a local practitioner that specialises in a particular therapy or condition, you can search using location, preferred therapy or just type in any relevant keyword on the homepage and review the practitioners who are available to support you, and the services they offer. You can contact them and make a booking to see them directly on the platform for free. Registration is required to send messages to practitioners and to make bookings, but this takes only a minute and then you are good to go!


If you are a natural health practitioner, Sign Up, verify your email and then subscribe for a membership by selecting the 'Join as a Practitioner' button at the top right hand corner of the site. You will then be approved by an administrator before you can start listing the services you offer. Select 'Join as a Practitioner' every time you want to create a new listing. When submitted, your listing will be checked and again approved by an administrator and you will be notified by email once it is live on the site. Don't worry, we are very responsive so will have you up and running in no time! 

We are not just another therapy directory, we think they're great, but we believe it's high time that our industry caught up with the times when it comes to technology! We are a complete end-to-end platform for advertising the therapies you practice and the services you offer. Create your listings, engage with users, manage your calendar, accept bookings and take payments easily and securely via your profile page, then start receiving reviews to gain further credibility in what you offer and really stand out from the crowd. 

Membership to Holistic Room costs just £9.99 a month or take advantage of a £19.90 discount a year by subscribing for an annual membership costing £99.98. You are able to add as many listings as you wish. If a therapy you practice is not listed on the site, please send an email to and we will get back to you as quickly as possible.