• Fibre rich fruit and seed bowl

    What’s all the Fuss About Fibre?

    Fibre is an essential nutrient for our bodies. You may have heard about it in the context of keeping your bowels regular and your digestive system healthy, but it is an important part of our diet for other reasons too. It’s a type of carbohydrate found in plants, fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds and grains. Fibre is the part of the plant that we can’t digest. It’s the stuff that helps us digest other foods. There are two types of fibre, soluble and insoluble, both types are important for our health. The World Health Organisation recommends that adults should eat at least 25 grams of fibre per day. Unfortunately, the average…

  • Woman meditating on bed

    How Many People Meditate in the World? – 25 Global Meditation Statistics 2022

    It’s World Meditation Day tomorrow, so we decided to take a deep dive into the most recent and interesting statistics and of course the benefits of meditation to honour this momentous day. How many people are meditating? There are an estimated 200-500 million meditators worldwide. With 7.9 billion people in the world, of that 74.5% which equates to 58.9 billion are aged 15 and over. Considering this age range, it accounts for 3.4 – 8.5% of the global population who currently meditate.   This number most likely includes a sharp increase in the past two years due to the pandemic. Meditation apps were the most accessible form of mental health…

  • Practicing Mindfulness for Stress

    Mindfulness is an essential skill that can help reduce stress in your life. We are all so busy with our daily lives that it’s easy to forget about being mindful since our mind is focussed on all the things we need to get done during the day. Since April is Stress Awareness Month, we wanted to share some simple ways you can use mindfulness in your daily life to bring more awareness into your activities and help to reduce stress. What is mindfulness? Mindfulness is a word that’s been thrown around a lot in the last decade, especially in the work world. It’s been used in the context of meditation,…

  • Woman tree yoga holistic health

    7 Ways to Cultivate a More Holistic Health Lifestyle

    Holistic health is an approach to health that regards the individual as a whole, it includes the body, mind and spirit, and focuses on all the aspects of wellbeing – emotional, mental, physical and spiritual. It is a health system in which the patient is actively involved in the healing process, and in which all aspects are interrelated, and therefore interdependent. The focus is on treating the whole person, not just a particular disease or organ system. There can often be many aspects involved in health and wellbeing so it can be daunting knowing where to start, this is when the support and guidance from professionals can help you on…

  • Woman tired

    Why am I Always so Tired?

    Why am I always tired? Do you ask yourself this question? If so, how often do you ask it? It’s a difficult one when it comes to health and wellbeing, because you could be feeling tired because you are going through a super busy or stressful period and are not managing to get as much rest as your body needs to recover. It could also be a sign of something else that requires attention. If that is your gut feeling, then it should be explored with your GP. If after testing, the GP rules that there is “nothing wrong with you”, but you are still feeling tired, continue reading as…

  • Microbiome Healthy foods

    How To Improve Your Gut Health – It’s all in the Microbiome

    If you’re still feeling a little bloated from the festive season, there is much you can do to start feeling more ease in the abdominal region. In short, you want to increase the friendly gut microbiome as it impacts every system in your body, from your skin to your immune health and even your mental health. So, if you’re feeling sluggish and not your best self, then it could well be that the bad bacteria are currently winning the battle. But don’t despair, as it’s fairly simple for the good bacteria to take hold and win the war. Research shows that with dietary and lifestyle changes, you can start changing…

  • Apple Sauce

    Heal Your Gut with Apple Sauce!

    When you think of apple sauce, you might think of desserts first, but did you know that apple sauce is actually very good for your gut? Stewing apples releases pectin, which is a type of soluble fiber in the cell walls of plants and helps give them their structure. Pectin increases a substance in our gut called Intestinal Alkaline Phosphatase (IAP) which protects our body by preventing the Lipopolysaccharides (LPS) which are toxic bacteria from getting into the blood stream. IAP grabs LPS and escorts it out of the body through the bowel movements. IAP also stimulates the genes to heal intestinal permeability, so if you have any issues with…

  • Stomach discomfort

    You Are What Your Gut Absorbs

    Good health starts in the gut. We now know that about 70% of the immune system resides in the gut. So, to improve our whole health, we must pay attention to our gut and more importantly the little critters called the microbiome that live there. The microbiome consists of trillions of friendly gut bacteria in our digestive tract which not only ward off bad bacteria and viruses, but also effect every part of the body including your hormones, mood, and sleep. If your gut is impaired, you will not be able to digest food easily and more importantly, you will not be able to extract the nutrients from the food…

  • Curcumin

    Curcumin and all its Benefits

    Curcumin has been in the spotlight the past few years, and for good reason. It is beneficial for a host of conditions and symptoms. Today we look at this spice in more detail and share all the wonderful benefits you may receive from this healing supplement, which have been backed by many high-quality studies. What is curcumin Curcumin is the main active ingredient in the spice turmeric which is an important component in Indian cooking. It is used in India as both a spice and a medicinal herb. Recent studies have started to back up claims of the benefits and shed more light on its medicinal properties. It would be…

  • Lady doing yoga pose mind-body wellness

    Mind-Body Wellness. How important is it to you?

    Finding ways to take care of your physical health can be quite simple. There’s plenty to choose from based on your preferences whether that’s cycling, running, yoga, fitness classes or whatever else floats your boat. But when was the last time you paid the same level of attention to your mind-body wellness? Physical exercises often have a positive effect on the mind too as they help to release feel-good hormones, but what else can you do to take care of your emotional health? Science proven benefits such as lower stress levels, reduced pain and inflammation and better sleep should help encourage us to consider incorporating some aspect of mind-body wellness…