Woman suffering with hay fever symptoms in bed

Natural Hay Fever Remedies

Summer is finally here, and with that sneeze season is in full swing too! If you suffer with hay fever, it can really put a dampener on the things.⁠


Here are 3 supplements to consider if you are suffering from those dreaded symptoms.⁠

1. Quercetin is an antioxidant flavonoid found in many foods such as onions and apples. Studies show that it possesses antihistamine qualities by reducing inflammatory response in the airways.⁠

You can purchase it as a supplement, or you can simply add more quercetin rich foods into your diet.⁠

2. Bromelain is an enzyme that is found in high amounts in pineapples. You can also find it in supplement form, and it is also effective at treating respiratory distress and inflammation associated with allergies.⁠

Time to up your pineapple intake?

3. Stinging nettle in herbal form or made into a tea has been shown to reduce histamine in the body.⁠

Some people even swear by stinging themselves with nettles to stop symptoms of hay fever! It’s not one that we recommend…but each to their own!⁠


Locally grown honey can work wonders in alleviating the symptoms of hay fever. Look for a source that is derived from manuka and is unprocessed for best results. Just one teaspoon a day can do the trick and it’s probably the sweetest remedy you will find! Please note, honey is not suitable for babies under the age of one.

Herbal Teas

Green tea is said to have an antihistamine effect on the body and may help to relieve your symptoms in the short term. Chamomile tea is also said to have similar effects. You can also let the teabags cool or pop them in the fridge for a little while and use them as soothing eye compresses to help with swollen and itchy eyes.


The best way to benefit from homeopathic treatment for the whole body is to receive constitutional treatment from a qualified homeopath. This is when a homeopath will take a full case history and prescribe remedies based on your constitution and underlying weaknesses. However, there are some acute remedies that you can try that are targeted towards specific symptoms:

Allium cepa – perhaps the most common hay fever remedy. Indications for the use of this remedy include watery eyes and clear nasal discharge. As well as sneezing and a tickly cough. Symptoms are usually worse indoors and are better in fresh air.

Arsenicum album – The indication for this remedy is when the nasal discharge is watery, and it burns. Symptoms can also present as stuffy and tickling in the nose. In addition, swollen eyes and a wheezy cough can also be common symptoms. The person may feel chilly, anxious and restless and there is also a feeling of fatigue.

Euphrasia – This is a big eye remedy; it is indicated if the eyes are swollen and irritated and tear up easily. The nose also runs with a bland discharge. The eyes may be light sensitive, and symptoms are often worse from warmth and during the day. There may also be a cough during the day.

Ferrum Phosphoricum – This remedy can be useful in early stages of inflammation. It can slow or stop allergy symptoms if taken as soon as they begin. Symptoms that indicate this remedy include runny eyes which burn and feel gritty, a watery nose, a tickling cough and a flushed face.

Gelsemium – Generally a heavy feeling is felt throughout the body and it can accompany a flushed face. There may also be a sensation of dryness and swelling in the nose. Alternatively, the nose may run with a watery discharge accompanied with frequent sneezing. Aching in the back of the head and chills along the spine may also be present when Gelsemium is the indicated remedy.

Natrum Muriaticum – This remedy can help to ease a runny nose which alternates with periods of dryness and stinging in the nasal cavity.

Sabadilla – This remedy is indicated when there frequent sneezing, itching in the nose and throat and a watery discharge. There may also be a feeling of a lump in the throat and watery eyes. There may also be feelings of dullness with difficulty in concentrating and a headache during an attack.

Protect your eyes and nose

Protect pollen from getting into your eyes by wearing sunglasses when you go out, in addition, coat the inside of your nose with a thin layer of Vaseline to act as a barrier against pollen and trapping it before you have the chance to breathe it in.


We hope these remedies help, let us know in the comments if you have any other hacks or remedies that you would like to share!

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